The priority


The priority

of ÚJV Řež is nuclear power engineering, i.e. support for the operating units and the preparation of new nuclear units. In addition, we focus on conventional energy, heating, including so-called small energy and renewable resources. We fully cover the entire service chain of radioactive waste management. In the field of nuclear medicine, we deal with the development, production, and distribution of radiopharmaceuticals. In Czech Republic we operate 3 PET Centres - in Prague, Brno and the newest one in Řež.

Company bodies and divisions


Martin Ruščák

Ing. Martin Ruščák, CSc., MBA

Chairman of the Board of Directors, CEO



Patrik Špátzal

Ing. Patrik Špátzal, MBA

Member of the Board of Directors, Director of Radiopharmaceuticals division


Tomáš Novotný

Ing. Tomáš Novotný

Member of the Board of Directors, Director of Financial department


Petr Mach

Ing. Petr Mach

Member of the Board of Directors, Director of ENERGOPROJEKT PRAHA division


Jan Wandrol

Ing. Jan Wandrol

Member of the Board of Directors, Director of Integrity and Technical Engineering division


Ing. Bohdan Zronek

Tomáš Pleskač

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Member of the Board of Directors and Chief Renewable Energy and Distribution Officer, ČEZ, a. s.

Ladislav Štěpánek

Bohdan Zronek

Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Member of the Board of directors and Chief Nuclear Officer, ČEZ, a. s.


Ladislav Štěpánek

Ladislav Štěpánek

Member of the Supervisory Board

Director of the Fuel Cycle Unit, ČEZ, a. s.

Michaela Chaloupková

Member of the Supervisory Board

Member of the Board of Directors and Chief Administrative Officer, ČEZ, a. s.

Ing. Pavel Janík

Pavel Janík

Member of the Supervisory Board

EMO34 Deputy Project Manager, Member of the Supervisory Board, member of the Investment Commission, Slovenské elektrárne, a. s.

Marek Šlégl

Marek Šlégl

Member of the Supervisory Board

Director of the Equity Management Department, ČEZ, a. s.

Pavel Král

Pavel Král

Member of the Supervisory Board

A leader of Research and Development at Safety Analyses Department, Nuclear Safety & Reliability Division, ÚJV Řež, a. s. (elected by the company employees)

Michael Rapp

Miloš Kytka

Member of the Supervisory Board

Head of High-activity laboratory and radiation experiments Department, Integrity & Technical Engineering Division, ÚJV Řež, a. s. (elected by the company employees)

René Ščibravý

René Ščibravý

Member of the Supervisory Board

Head of the Procurement and Warehouse Department, ÚJV Řež, a. s. (elected by employees)

The portfolio of services of ÚJV Řež is complemented by its 100% owned subsidiaries, which together with ÚJV Řež form the UJV Group. The subsidiaries are:

For more information about the UJV Group please click here.

Company documents

Annual reports, press releases, accreditations, authorizations, business conditions, certificates, downloadable brochures, and more.

Integrated management system and accreditation certificates

The integrated management system, in accordance with the requirements of the international standards EN ISO 9001 (Quality Management System), EN ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and EN ISO 45001 (Occupational Safety Management) is implemented and developed in ÚJV Řež.

International cooperation

Wide international cooperation at European and global levels, membership in major professional and research institutions and involvement in international projects enable us to remain at the forefront of the peaceful use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation sources.


Our history and present are closely related to the country's top experts and key energy projects.

Company video profile

Information about our services in 350 seconds video.

UJV Group

UJV Group is a group of companies 100% owned by ÚJV Řež, a. s. The subsidiary companies specialize in research and development, design and engineering services, technical engineering and the manufacture of special products and equipment. They also carry out expert operations in the areas of energy, industry, and healthcare, and therefore, complement the portfolio of services provided by the parent company.

Social Responsibility (ESG)

Social responsibility is part of our corporate culture and business strategy. Together with our subsidiaries, we report our CSR and sustainability activities in the CEZ Group Sustainability Report.


