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ÚJV Řež provides a wide range of services, including design, and engineering activities in the fields of energy, industry, and health. For more than 65 years we have been among the top technology centers in the Czech Republic and Europe. Using experienced professionals and specialized technical infrastructure, we are able to compete for complex engagements in all areas of our focus on both a national and an international level.
Annual reports, press releases, accreditations, authorizations, business conditions, certificates, downloadable brochures, and more.
The integrated management system, in accordance with the requirements of the international standards EN ISO 9001 (Quality Management System), EN ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) and EN ISO 45001 (Occupational Safety Management) is implemented and developed in ÚJV Řež.
Wide international cooperation at European and global levels, membership in major professional and research institutions and involvement in international projects enable us to remain at the forefront of the peaceful use of nuclear energy and ionizing radiation sources.
Our history and present are closely related to the country's top experts and key energy projects.
Information about our services in 350 seconds video.
UJV Group is a group of companies 100% owned by ÚJV Řež, a. s. The subsidiary companies specialize in research and development, design and engineering services, technical engineering and the manufacture of special products and equipment. They also carry out expert operations in the areas of energy, industry, and healthcare, and therefore, complement the portfolio of services provided by the parent company.
Social responsibility is part of our corporate culture and business strategy. Together with our subsidiaries, we report our CSR and sustainability activities in the CEZ Group Sustainability Report.