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Return on investment in nuclear energy can only be ensured by a subsequent, efficient and long-term operation. Plant Life Management (PLiM) therefore represents a sophisticated system that cares for complex technologies of various types.
Our services are focused on the implementation of the VVER-type NPP life cycle management programme to ensure long-term operation beyond the original design lifetime. We implement projects for local and foreign operators and ensure the documentation for the power plants according to the appropriate legislation (in the operator’s country and European countries).
We deal with aging management problems, are able to extend the lifetime of the equipment over a long term, and provide aging management for specific devices; we are the authors of several certified programmes and methodologies. In projects linked to ageing management and lifetime assessment, we represent the Czech Republic in the IAEA, NEA - OECD and the EU.
Areas of programme implementation include the maintenance of a database of Design Bases, ageing management plans and in-service inspections, thermohydraulic analyses, risk assessments of pressure caused by thermal shocks.