The research of new generation reactors at ÚJV Řež is currently focused on the development of the concept of the demonstrative high-temperature reactor ALLEGRO with a fast spectrum of neutrons cooled by helium (GFR - Gas Fast Reactor) within the international association "V4G4 Center of Excellence".

In the context of this project, we develop activities in the following areas:

Concept and safety of reactors:

We assess existing Generation IV. reactor concepts, we propose new concepts, including detailed technical solutions. We perform thermohydraulic calculations of primary circuit behaviour in operational and emergency conditions, we analyze the course and consequences of a severe accident with the core melting, we solve problems of using PSA methods in the evaluation of these reactors.

Technological and experimental support:

We provide expert support for helium technology including the design of experimental devices for verification and validation of computational tools and for verifying operating modes and technology systems.

In parallel with the above mentioned technical activities, we analyze the legislative and economic aspects of the application of Generation IV. reactors in the Czech Republic.

We are preparing several follow-up research activities in the following areas:

  • Material research,
  • Fuel cycle (thermomechanical analyses of the fuel for ALLEGRO),
  • Waste minimization and treatment,
  • Development of computational tools and models for the description and evaluation of operational and safety characteristics, including probability characteristics.

More about Allegro: