Development of studies for preparation of energy production plants both in the Czech Republic and abroad as whole, but
also for planned reconstructions, refurbishments and extensions of existing installations. The scope and details of such
studies are adapted to the specific conditions of the project, available design input data and the task of the documentation in
the given phase of the business plan.

Basic types of studies offered

  • Conceptual Study: the initial draft of a technical concept according to the client’s requirements
  • Preliminary Feasibility Study: draws up input data from actual input information on the project for the first assessment
    of the business/investment plan in the agreed scope
  • Feasibility Study (FS): elaborated in a more detail scope according to the project´s specific conditions; serves for the selection
    of design variants and an assessment of the plan


The feasibility of the project is evaluated from the following main points:

  • Technical feasibility
  • Rate of investment return
  • Time schedule of preparation and realization of the project
  • Project implementation plan (preparatory stage, realization and operation)
  • FS includes requirements on performance of needed surveys (Engineering-geological, hydrogeological etc.) of the locality

Related engineering services

  • Provision of input data for execution of given study
  • Consultation of the proposed solution with affected administration authorities and main equipment suppliers