Thermal power will be 200 MWt, which puts it in the category of small reactors. Its crucial advantage over water-cooled reactors is that thanks to a closed fuel cycle, the generation of new spent fuel is minimized. Modularity plays a major role in the design of HeFASTo. The vast majority of components will be implemented in the form of standardized parts manufactured in factories; on-site construction will consist mainly of assembling the pre-made modules. This will reduce costs of construction, lead to higher reliability, and will allow for easier maintenance and repairs. The safety concept of the reactor is based on fully passive innovative safety systems, working solely on basic physical principles as gravitation or pressure difference. One of the positive features affecting the economy of a fast reactor is the breeding effect, where new fuel si generated via nuclear reaction during the reactor operation, in fast reactors, more fuel can be generated than it is consumed.

Commercial application of the reactor is expected in connection with growing demand for mass production of hydrogen, as well as the need for management of spent fuel from the light water reactors. It means in the horizon of 2040. Currently, the reactor is in the preconceptual phase of its development, a strategic investor is expected to be found after 2025.