Documentation according to Act No. 100/2001 Coll. on environmental impact assessment as amended; expert reports on
environmental impacts of civil structures and technologies. An employee of ENERGOPROJEKT PRAHA Division is the holder
of the Ministry of Environment Czech Republic authorization for elaboration of the documentation and the expert report according
to Act No. 100/2001 Coll. as amended.

Professional activities

  • Elaboration of a Notification of the sub-limited plan according to Annex No. 3a to the Act
  • Elaboration of a Notification of the plan according to Annex No. 3 to the Act
  • Execution of the EIA documentation according to Annex No. 4 to the Act for energy constructions, water management
    constructions, nuclear installations, sludge settling ponds and landfills
  • Elaboration of the Expert reports for definition of environmental impacts of energy constructions, water management
    constructions, nuclear installations, sludge settling ponds and landfills

Related engineering activities

Assistance at discussions of the plan with the affected administrative authorities and at the public hearings