Execution of particular technology installations and civil part documentation at the “Detail Design“ level (Realization
documentation of the construction) for projects to be realized in the Czech Republic and abroad. The scope and detail of
Detail Design (DD) documentation elaboration can be adapted to the conditions of given project and to the purpose of the
documentation use.

Detail Design documentation defines:

  • Civil structure design and its components
  • Selection of components in conformity with the owner’s wish and the designer’s advice
  • Dimensioning of components and equipment
  • Detailed place of installation, interfaces, solution of possible collisions, etc.

Design activities

  • Detail Design elaboration and coordination of particular technology systems in all professions (PS and DPS)
    Detail Design of the civil part (civil structures/buildings)

Related engineering activities

  • Management (coordination) of the Detail Design elaboration for the installation as a whole
  • Attendance of the designers on the site
  • Solution of changes caused during the construction