The participation fee per person is set at EUR 100.

Payment of the fee must be made by 15.5. 2019.

A confirmation of payment of the fee will be sent to the participants together with a binding confirmation of the reservation.

Identification data for the payment

ÚJV Řež, a. s., Hlavní 130, Řež, 250 68 Husinec

Data box ID: n3puyxq

Registered in the Commercial Register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, sp. zn. B 1833.

Identification number (IČ): 46356088

Tax identification number (DIČ): CZ46356088

BANK: Komerční banka a.s., Prague 1

  • ACCOUNT number EUR: 116520227/0100
  • IBAN: CZ7701000000000116520227
  • VARIABLE symbol: 4635608819

Please write the names of the participants and the company name into the comment.